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Here's a sample of some of the Halloween decorations that we've put together over the years. Nothing is "stock". That is, all of the store bought props have been modified to make them blacklight reactive and "cooler looking". Some of the props are "homemade". As the years go by, more are home made, but I'm always on the lookout for "interesting" stuff that can be purchased and modified. in any case, the props are "arranged" so that they tell a story & not just randomly placed.
Always thought that Halloween was the coolest "holiday" and blacklight was magic. Where else can you combine the two, add some fog, lasers, video projectors & other "special effects" to engineer unforgettable "art"? Our "goal" is to be "creepy" without being too "scary". Although there is some "gore", it is minimal. It's easier to "scare" Trick-Or-Treaters with a lot of "blood & guts" than it is with "tastefully" designed props. All of the props have a special look to them that is "memorable". Although we're originally from Canada, we've been asked if we're from Hollywood and do props & special effects for movies :-) . No, Halloween decorating doesn't need to measure up to movie standards, & by no means are we even close to that.